Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Introduction to the Junior Foodie

Welcome to my new blog. The Junior Foodie is where I write about becoming a better cook and a better eater. I want to share recipes, learning experiences and practical advice.

For several years now I have been trying to improve my cooking. I usually hit a problem where most recipes I found were intended for large groups and they are impractical for cooking on your own or for two. There is usually a lot of waste left over, or a bit too much effort goes into the food preparation and cleaning up afterward. This means that your cooking time eats into your limited free time. Free time demands usually won, so all the better eating initiatives usually ground to a halt.

In the last year though, things have been changing for me. I started becoming more ambitious in the meals I prepared, using more difficult recipes. I have also been sourcing ingredients better and using a lot more fresh produce. Paradoxically the more I challenged myself the easier it got. I started to get a better appreciation for different foods and how they combined. I also learned how to build some momentum in the food preparation from day to day, and how to cut corners in the effort.

With success comes reward and I am starting to enjoy the experience more. I look forward to preparing food and especially sharing the results with friends. Informal dining experiences with friends are fun and cheap entertainment in these belt-tightening times.

Its getting to the stage that I am wondering if there are other people out there who were hitting the same wall when it came to eating better. Lots of good intentions undone by the effort involved. Hopefully the tips and tricks I share here can help others too.

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